9:00 - 9:55 a.m.
Sunday School Classes
Teachers: Amanda Pendry and Kelly Blevins
K - 5th Grade
Teachers: Beth Brannan and Gayle Benton
Middle School
Teacher: Randy Lankford
We want to grow closer to God as we learn from Bible lessons and discussion about how we can use the lessons in our lives. When we have enough time we play a "very competitive" game of Bible Bingo!
High School
Teacher: Julie Benton
We offer two different adult classes....The Fellowship Class and Be the Change.
The Fellowship Class has been in existence longer than any Sunday School class at MCUMC. Everyone is welcome regardless of age. We plan picnics, field trips, and many other activities together. We study the bible in depth with a lot of discussion. Come one, come all ~ we have a lot of fun together! Come join us; you're always welcome!
Be the Change - Our class enjoys watching video lessons, usually 6-8 weeks long series based on Wesleyan perspectives. We discuss how the lessons pertain to our daily lives. We share celebrations and personal experiences about our children, grandchildren, and the people we love. We are a very open and active group who find comfort and support from each other, especially during the ups and downs of day-to-day living.